Calgary Places
About Harry Palmer
Contact Harry
A Portrait Of Alberta Ranch Country
A Portrait of the Mountains And Clouds
A Portrait of British Columbia
A Portrait Of Calgary
Calgary People
Calgary Places
Calgary Places, 2017
A Portrait Of Rural Alberta 2012
A Portrait Of Canadian Veterans And Their Memorials
Canadian War Veterans
Dieppe Juno
War Memorials in Canada
WWI Memorials in Europe
A Portrait Of First Nations
A Portrait Of Treaties 7 & 8
Urban Kwakawak’awakw Cultural Group at Simon Fraser University
A Portrait Of Hybrid Images
A Portrait Of The Canadian Badlands
A Portrait Of Drumheller To Dorothy
A Portrait Of The Canadian Badlands Passion Play And Oberammergau
A Portrait of Rosebud Then And Now
Rosebud People 1982
Rosebud People 2010-11
Rosebud Places 1982
Rosebud Places 2010-2011
A Portrait Of The Canadian Arctic
Baker Lake People Places
Beaufort Places
Beaufort People
A Portrait of the Companions Of The Order Of Canada (1984-1991)
A Portrait Of The Sentinels Of The Prairies
Prairie People
Prairie Places
The Tallpecs Of Alberta And Saskatchewan 2005
A Portrait Of Crowsnest Pass
A Portrait Of David Thompson
“Dinny” St. George’s Island, 1983
14 Avenue & 11 Street S.W., 1982
201 First Street S.E., 1982
224-16th Avenue, S.E., 1982
Abe’s Second Hand Store, 1982
Alberta Terminals, 1983
Alyth Lodge & Bingo Centre, 1983
Auditorium Drive, 1983
Balmoral Bungalow School, 1982
Balmoral School, 1982
Bank Of Montreal2 1982
Calgary City Hall, 1983
Calgary International Air Terminal, 1983
Calgary Tower, 1982
Cathedral Of The Redeemer, 1983
City Hall and LRT, 1983
Clarence Block,1983
Colonel Walker School, 1982
Connaught School, 1982
Court H.ouse Tree, 1982
Crooks Drugs Ltd., 1982
Dalhousie Shopping Centre, 1983
Derrick Building, 1982
First Canadian at 3rd Street S.W., 1981
First Canadian Place/Bay Parkade, 1982
Former #1 Fire Hall, 1983
Former CN Station, 1983
Glass Houses, Calgary Zoo, 1983
Grace Presbyterian Church, 1983
Grain Cars (Downtown Calgary), 1978
Grain Exchange Building (Foreground), 1981
Hudson’s Bay Company Arcade, 1983
Kerr Block, 1982
Knox United Church, 1983
Lancaster Bomber, 1983
Langevin Bridge(Background), 1983
Lindsay Park Aquatic Centre, 1982
MacDonald Bridge, 1983
Marcel Furniture Repair, 1982
Marion Apartments, 1982
National Hotel, 1982
Olympic Saddle Dome, 1983
Princess Furniture, 1983
Queen’s Hotel, 1982
Rear, Florence Apartment, 1982
Saddledome, 1988+/-
Senator Lougheed’s Beaulieu, 1983
Skyline from Sunalta School, 1983
St. Matthew Lutheran Church, 1982
Stephen Avenue/Centre Street, 1981
Success Motor Hotel, 1982
Thomson Bros Block, 1983
Under Centre Street Bridge, 1983
Western Canadian Place, 1983