Prairie Places
About Harry Palmer
Contact Harry
A Portrait Of Alberta Ranch Country
A Portrait of the Mountains And Clouds
A Portrait of British Columbia
A Portrait Of Calgary
Calgary People
Calgary Places
Calgary Places, 2017
A Portrait Of Rural Alberta 2012
A Portrait Of Canadian Veterans And Their Memorials
Canadian War Veterans
Dieppe Juno
War Memorials in Canada
WWI Memorials in Europe
A Portrait Of First Nations
A Portrait Of Treaties 7 & 8
Urban Kwakawak’awakw Cultural Group at Simon Fraser University
A Portrait Of Hybrid Images
A Portrait Of The Canadian Badlands
A Portrait Of Drumheller To Dorothy
A Portrait Of The Canadian Badlands Passion Play And Oberammergau
A Portrait of Rosebud Then And Now
Rosebud People 1982
Rosebud People 2010-11
Rosebud Places 1982
Rosebud Places 2010-2011
A Portrait Of The Canadian Arctic
Baker Lake People Places
Beaufort Places
Beaufort People
A Portrait of the Companions Of The Order Of Canada (1984-1991)
A Portrait Of The Sentinels Of The Prairies
Prairie People
Prairie Places
The Tallpecs Of Alberta And Saskatchewan 2005
A Portrait Of Crowsnest Pass
A Portrait Of David Thompson
Alberta Farm, 1986
Alsask Hotel, 1985
AP Grain Elevator, Lyalta, 1985
AWP Byemoor, 1985
AWP Elevator, Esther, 1985
AWP Elevator, Lyalta, 1985
Bales, South of Enchant, AB, 1988
Bank Of Montreal, Winnipeg, 1987
Beiseker Elevator, 1980
Blizzard Capital, Kenaston, 1987
Burg “n” Cue, Oyen, 1985
Canyon Creek Hotel, 1986
Cargill Elevator, Barons, 1985
Carlyle Hotel, 1987
Carlyle Liquor Store, 1987
Clarendon Hotel, Gull Lake, SK
Clouds Near Delia, 2011
Combine, Claresholm, AB, 1988
Community Hall, Sibbald, 1985
Convent, Clandonald, 1986
Country Elevator, Delia, AB, 1987
Country Elevator, Drumheller, AB, 1985
Country Elevator, Gwynne, AB, 1987
Country Elevator, Penhold, AB, 1987
Country Elevators, Barons, AB, 1985
Country Elevators, Cardston, AB, 1988
Country Elevators, Indus, AB, 1987
Country elevators, Killam, AB, 1988
Country Elevators, Lomond, AB, 1986
Country Elevators, Turin, AB, 1986
Country Elevators, Turin, AB, 1988
Country Store, Spring Coulee, AB, 1988
Deadhorse Lake, Hussar, 1985
Deadhorse Lake, Hussar, AB, 1985
Delacour Elevator, 1981
Delacour, 1981
Delburne Take Out, 1985
Delia General Store, 2011
Dick’s Cafe, Redvers, 1986
Dowhey General Merchants, Lavoy, 1986
Esso Pangman, 1986
Farmer’s Elevator Near Michichi, 2011
Garden, Westbourne, MB, 1987
Gopher Supplies, 1985
Graffiti Barn, Kerrobert, SK, 1988
Grain Terminal, Thunder Bay, ON, 1988
Grain Terminal, Vancouver, BC
Gulf Scandia 2, 1986
Gulf Scandia, 1986
Hand Hills Clouds, 2011
Heisler Hotel, Heisler, AB, 1988
House, Binscarth, MB, 1987
Icy Terraces, Okotoks, AB, 1980
Jack’s Esso, Sibbald, AB, 1988
Jay-Lyns Family Apparel, Souris, 1986
Joe & Vi’s Grocery, Gainsborough, 1987
Main Street, Fusilier, SK, 1988
Main Street, Loverna, SK, 1988
Main Street, Viking, AB, 1988
Manitoba Pool, Souris, 1986
Melaval Hotel, 1986
Millarville, AB, 1980
Mossleigh Evening, 1985
New Norway Water Tower, 1985
Nokomis Times, 1987
North of Coaldale, AB, 1988
North of Turin, AB, 1988
Northern Bank, Melita, 1987
Old House And Clouds, 2011
Old Pioneer Elevator At Delia, 2011
Oldmahn Studio, Portage La Prairie, MB, 1987
Oxbow Cafe, Oxbow, 1987
P&H Grain Terminal, Thunder Bay, ON, 1988
Paterson Elevator, Killarney, 1987
Pioneer Elevator, Delia, 1985
Pioneer Elevator, Vulcan, AB, 1985
Ponteix Hotel, 1986
Post Office, New Norway, 1985
Post Office, Nokomis, 1987
Rainbow And Barn, 2011
Restaurant, Cadillac, 1986
Reston Street, 1986
Royal Bank, Winnipeg, 1987
Royal Household, Scandia, 1986
RR Station, Souris, 1986
Saint Regis Church, Wauchope, 1986
Sand Bags for Sale, Taber, AB, 1988
Snow Patch, 1979
Standing Water Near Calgary, AB, 1980
Strathmore Elevators, 1981
Stuffed Country Elevators, Three Hills, AB, 1985
Tavern, Sibbald, AB, 1988
Thresher, Picture Butte, AB, 1988
Twilight Store, Mallaig, 1986
UGG Radway, 1986
UGG Vegreville, 1986
Variety Store, Gainsborough, 1987
Water Tower Kenaston, 1987
White Cattle, AB, 1986
Whitelaw Store, 1986