Marion Apartments, 1982

Harry, I do a daily tweet of events in Calgary 100 years ago today. I learned that the building permit for the Marion Apartments, which you photographed in 1982, was recorded 100 years ago today, January 26, 1912. Just FYI. Best regards, Harry Sanders Share this:TwitterFacebook

Marion Apartments, 1982

Harry, I do a daily tweet of events in Calgary 100 years ago today. I learned that the building permit for the Marion Apartments, which you photographed in 1982, was recorded 100 years ago today, January 26, 1912. Just FYI. Best regards, Harry Sanders
Order Marion Apartments, 1982

Marion Apartments, 1982


Harry, I do a daily tweet of events in Calgary 100 years ago today. I learned that the building permit for the Marion Apartments, which you photographed in 1982, was recorded 100 years ago today, January 26, 1912. Just FYI. Best regards, Harry Sanders Share this:TwitterFacebook

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